Union Stresses Concerns Of Tenanted Sector For Waygo

Agricultural Holdings Bill process begins

Greater investment in tenanted holdings and an increase in the amount of land under tenancy agreements are required for the Agricultural Holdings Bill to be a success.

This was the message stressed by NFU Scotland when it gave evidence to the Rural Affairs Climate Change and Environment Committee (RACCE) on Wednesday 16 September on the agricultural holdings provisions contained in the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill.

NFU Scotland Chief Executive Scott Walker commented: “It is clear that this is a large and complicated Bill that requires a number of amendments if its objectives are to be delivered.   If adequate scrutiny is given and the views of the industry are taken on board I am optimistic that this Bill could underpin a healthy and vibrant tenanted sector.

“During the evidence session we took the opportunity to raise changes that must be made to the waygo process.   This includes an amnesty to notify existing improvements and a new double notice provision that would allow a negotiation and an agreement on waygo to be reached before serving a notice of intention to quit the holding.

“All tenants are entitled to receive fair compensation at the end of their tenancy and sorting out the waygo process will be one of the ways to remove an area that can be a key point of dispute.

“We are disappointed that the Bill does not include the recommendation from the Agricultural Holdings Legislation Review Group for a repairing tenancy for a period of 35 years. We suggested that the Bill should be amended to include this provision and are pleased that this suggestions seemed to get a positive response from everyone today.

“It is important that this Bill successfully completes its parliamentary stages. There is much expectation from all involved in the tenant sector that this Bill will provide the confidence for the future and sort out some of the issues that can lead to disputes.”


Contact Ruth McClean on 0131 472 4108


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