Unsung Hero Award Presentation to Take Place in the North East on Friday

The Unsung Hero Award is presented annually and recognises a North East member for their achievements and hard work on behalf of fellow farmers.

The award is typically presented at Turriff Show on the Sunday evening at the Malcolm Allan sponsored NFUS drinks reception. However, with Turriff Show impacted by COVID-19 an alternative social evening has been planned for the awards celebration.  

The Unsung Hero Social Evening and BBQ will take place at Huntly Auction Market on Friday 30th July at 6.30pm for a 7pm start. The early part of the evening will be hosted by NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy, with North East Vice Chair Bob Hay hosting the BBQ. Burgers and sausages have been provided for the event by Woodhead Bros in Turriff; Ice Cream by Mackies of Rothienorman; Raspberries and Strawberries by David Stephen at Barra Berries, and refreshments are sponsored by Malcolm Allan.

There will also be a raffle and an auction, with Donald Young as auctioneer - all the proceeds raised will be donated to RSABI.

All NFUS and Young Farmers Club Members and their families are invited to attend the event.

Previous recipients of the award include: Alistair Smart; Bruce Walker; Sandy Tulloch; Jim Innes; Tom Johnston; Charlie Adam; Neil McCrae; Eddie Gillanders; Gerald Banks; Davie Smith; Kevin Gilbert; Bob Hay and Ian Pirie.

On hosting the award, President Martin Kennedy said: “I am delighted to have been invited by the North East team to participate in the presentation of this award to a very worthy recipient. This year’s recipient is a very deep thinker, well read, and has been at the forefront of many battles, doing a power of lobbying amongst fellow members and stakeholders to try to improve farming issues”.

“They are never afraid to express opinion, share knowledge and add a lot of value to debates and discussions. I am looking forward to travelling up to Huntly to share banter and fine food and refreshments with fellow North East members and their families.”

Previous NFU Scotland President Andrew McCornick will also be recognised at the event and receive his delayed “thank you” gift on behalf of members, from the North East Chair Alan Simpson.

Alan said: “Ordinarily, we would have presented this gift to Andrew at our Annual National AGM in February, but due to COVID, this was not possible. I very much look forward to catching up with Andrew again, as I am sure my fellow farmers do too”.

“We hope you will all participate in this social gathering on Friday evening. COVID restrictions will be in place throughout, but this should not distract from a potentially brilliant and fun event”.

Notes for Editors:

  • The Unsung Hero Social Evening and BBQ will take place at Huntly Auction Market by permission of United Auctions on Friday 30th July from 6.30pm.
  • A photograph of Ian Pirie the 2020 winner of the Unsung Hero award is attached.


Contact Ruth Oxborrow on 07823 556253

Author: Ruth Oxborrow

Date Published:

News Article No.: 96/21

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