Walker Takes Up Top Post at NFU Scotland

Scott Walker has this week taken up his new position as Chief Executive of NFU Scotland. 

Scott has been part of the NFU Scotland staff body for 17 years, working at Head Office and in the regions in a number of positions including Commodity Director, Regional Policy Team Manager and most recently as Policy Director. 

Speaking about his new role, Scott Walker said:

“My primary focus is ensuring that NFU Scotland remains relevant to members. Farms are changing and we have to change with them. We don’t need a radical overhaul, but we do need to make sure we provide the right services and are prioritising the right issues for the benefit of our members.

“The big picture policy work, such as CAP reform, will continue to form the backbone of NFUS. We have been working hard to ensure that the views of the individual farming sectors are heard within Scottish Government and further afield on this issue, and that will remain a priority in the run up to the 2014 reform. Ultimately NFU Scotland is a lobbying organisation and we haven’t forgotten that. We have built strong political relationships which we won’t be taking for granted. 

“Our members’ interests are wider than ever before. The Union is here to support farm-based businesses and as such it is important that we are equipped to tackle new issues alongside our long-standing priorities. Ambitious renewable targets are now upon us, members have issues with planning applications, and more farmers are looking into diversification projects such as agri-tourism. In addition we are concentrating on selling the benefits of Scottish agriculture to processors and retailers in order to secure better returns for our members.

“I’m confident we’re in a good position to tackle all these challenges. NFUS has great strength in our group secretary network and a hugely talented staff body, and it is through them that I intend to build on the personal service we offer to members over the coming months and years. I will also be looking to enhance the current working relationships we have with other organisations to see how we can help our members together.

“I am fortunate to be taking over a hugely successful organisation that has been left in good health by James Withers, who did a fantastic job for NFUS. It is my intention to build on that legacy going forward and I look forward to this new chapter and new challenge.”


  • Scott Walker has worked for NFU Scotland for 17 years, having joined initially as Commodity Director for the NFUS Committees. He then headed up the regional team for a number of years before becoming Policy Director in 2004.  Scott is 40 years old, is married with 3 children, and lives in Dundee.
  • Scott Walker is replacing outgoing Chief Executive James Withers, who has taken over as CEO of Scotland Food and Drink.
  • Pictures of Scott are available by contacting or 0131 472 4020.


Contact Wendy Fleming on 0131 472 4020

Date Published:

News Article No.: 147/11

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