Following on from the recent publication of the Scottish Government’s Women in Agriculture Taskforce report, the industry group Women in Agriculture Scotland (WiAS) has been formalised.
The Taskforce, co-chaired by Sutherland farmer Joyce Campbell and Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy, Fergus Ewing MSP, issued its final report in November 2019.
Co-Chair of the Women in Agriculture Taskforce, Joyce Campbell, said: “I welcome the formalisation of this group and I urge everybody within Scottish agriculture to recognise that by supporting women to realise their full potential, we will create a fairer and more successful industry”.
WiAS was formed 5 years ago and aims to support, inspire and develop women in Scottish agriculture to achieve their aspirations and create a more progressive, successful and inclusive industry. The group has held events on a biannual basis since 2015. The most recent was in Edinburgh at RBS Gogarburn in November 2019. The event, entitled ‘You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know’ was a great success, speakers included a Stirlingshire farmer and businesswoman Katy Rodgers as well as representatives from Enterprise Scotland, Savills, and the Women in Agriculture Taskforce.
Chair of WiAS is June Geyer. Anyone interested in finding out more or signing up as a member should email
Notes to Editors
A photograph of the Women in Agriculture Scotland Group is attached. From left to right standing: Katrina Barclay, RHASS; Gemma Cooper, NFUS; Catherine Sloan, Turcan Connell; Aylett Road, Roan’s Diary. L to R seated: Emma Patterson Taylor, SAOS; June Geyer, Chair; Mairi White, RBS.
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006