On 5 October, the Scottish Parliament Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee agreed to undertake a short focussed review of priorities for crofting law reform. The key objectives of this piece of work were to:
- inform the Committee of the activity already undertaken by stakeholders and the Scottish Government in working towards a reform of crofting law;
- allow it to make an assessment of the priority action that has so far been identified; and
- make recommendations on any action it considers necessary to progress and complement the reform process
In November 2016, the Committee held four evidence sessions, where they heard evidence from crofting stakeholders, including NFUS. NFUS also submitted written evidence, which you can see here. The Committee published a full report on the Review of Priorities for Crofting Law Reform on 9 March 2017, which you can see here, with the Scot Gov response available here.