Employers of Non-UK Agricultural Workers Urged to Attend NFU Scotland and Home Office Seminar

NFU Scotland and the Home Office are holding an exclusive seminar for NFU Scotland members who recruit workers from outside the UK.

This important webinar will take place as the UK prepares to end free movement on 1 January 2021 and introduce a new Points-Based System of immigration.

The webinar, taking place on Tuesday 1 December at 16:00, will hear directly from the Home Office and a panel of legal and employment experts about the features of the new Points-Based Immigration System, the Skilled Worker Route, becoming a Licenced Sponsor, and other measures that employers must put in place to continue recruiting from outside the UK.

Agriculture and the wider food and drink sector are significant employers of non-UK workers, who undertake hugely valued and skilled work on farms and right throughout the whole food and drink supply chain.

With freedom of movement ending on 1 January 2021, all businesses recruiting into the sector from outside the UK will need to hold a Sponsor Licence, and will only be able to bring in workers who meet skill, salary and English-language thresholds as per the features of the new Skilled Worker Route within the Points-Based System.  

Political Affairs Manager Clare Slipper, who will host the webinar, said: “On 1 January, freedom of movement between the UK and the EU will come to an end and a new Points-Based System of immigration will be introduced. This will mean that the way agricultural businesses currently recruit workers from outside the UK will change.

“NFU Scotland’s concerns about the government’s future immigration policy are well-known. We have always argued against ending freedom of movement and the use of arbitrary skill and salary thresholds and this continues to be a key lobbying priority.

“Nonetheless, agricultural businesses who intend to recruit from outside the UK from 2021 onwards must be aware of the requirements and responsibilities of becoming a licenced sponsor and the Skilled Worker route if they intend to recruit workers from outside the UK next year.

“The event will be an important opportunity to ask questions about the new system and to hear directly what measures need to put in place. We encourage all members who have an interest in this topic to attend.”

Notes to Editors


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Author: Bob Carruth

Date Published:

News Article No.: 160/20

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About The Author

Bob Carruth

A dairy farmer’s son, I joined NFU Scotland in 1999 after 13 years as an agricultural journalist. Following spells as a regional manager and policy lead on milk, livestock and animal health and welfare, I became Communications Director in 2008.

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