Women play a vital role in Scottish agriculture, and NFU Scotland is working hard to ensure that women have an equal opportunity to engage with the Union where they wish to do so.
In recent years, the Union has been involved in working on the issue of women in agriculture. This work has included carrying out a member survey on this issue, participating in a major piece of Scottish Government research, and participating in industry events and working groups. In response to the research report, Scottish Government has recently announced a taskforce to take forward the recommendations made. NFUS is pleased that President Andrew McCornick will play a leading role in this group.
This work aside, NFUS recognises that there is more to be done on the subject of women in agriculture. There are many women who engage with NFUS, but these are a minority compared to men who do the same. In order to begin addressing this, the Union is holding a number of women in agriculture events in 2017, details of which will be available in due course. NFUS will also be establishing a network on NFUS women in agriculture mentors in 2017.