BBC Documentary Shows Why Food Standards Must Be Upheld in Future Trade Deals

NFU Scotland, NFU, NFU Cymru and Ulster Farmers Union respond

The four UK farming union Presidents have responded to the BBC’s documentary Meat: a threat to our planet?

They said: “At no point did the documentary explain the vast differences between American meat production and UK production. This was a massive oversight considering the BBC’s audience and would have left people with the impression that all meat is produced in the same way.

“We know the public want to eat sustainably and they can do this by investing in the UK livestock sector, which is already producing some of the most climate-friendly beef and lamb in the world and has an ambition to do even more.  Beef production in the UK is already 2.5 times more efficient than the global average and 4 times more efficient than places which are deforesting land.

“Simply showing the environmental impact of beef production in North and South America does nothing to help people make informed choices about food which can be grown and reared in ways that offer benefits for the environment.

“For example, with the UK’s climate, landscape and grass-based systems we have the means, and the ambition, to provide quality, nutritious meat in ways that not only protect the environment but help mitigate the world’s impact on the climate.

“The documentary did, however, demonstrate the concerns UK farming has about future trade, and what we could expect to see on our supermarket shelves if the government were to allow food into the country which has been produced in ways that would be illegal here.

“If we are to maintain our values of environmental protection and animal welfare which are at the core of UK farming, and we know the public want to uphold, future trade deals must ensure all imports meet the standard required of UK farmers.”

Notes to Editors

  • A photograph of the UK Unions presidents is attached.  From l to r – Andrew McCornick, NFU Scotland; Ivor Ferguson, Ulster Farmers Union; Minette Batters, NFU and John Davies, NFU Cymru    


Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006

Author: Bob Carruth

Date Published:

News Article No.: 167/19

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John Melville and sons

1901 days ago

The presenter of the show said she had stopped eating red meat but by saying this if other British people do the same and it puts the British beef at risk and the UK beef stock disappears there will be more pressure on the Amazon rainforest as the south American farmers will up production to fill the market due to the loss of British production. There is no better ethically produced beef than Scottish as it goes hand in hand with nature. No tree's were damaged in Scottish beef production.
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About The Author

Bob Carruth

A dairy farmer’s son, I joined NFU Scotland in 1999 after 13 years as an agricultural journalist. Following spells as a regional manager and policy lead on milk, livestock and animal health and welfare, I became Communications Director in 2008.

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