NFU Scotland is stepping up its #StopTheFamilyFarmTax campaign by supporting the Big Banner Day on Thursday 19 December.
Led by NFU, in collaboration with fellow farming unions NFU Cymru and the Ulster Farmers’ Union, the nationwide display of solidarity on 19 December will see roadside and gate banners displayed across the country to amplify the message that the proposed changes to inheritance tax threaten the future of family farms.

In Scotland, the banners will be located in every region in prominent positions with the aim of keeping public attention and building political pressure on the devastating impact planned taxation changes included in the recent UK Government Budget will have on farming families and rural communities unless halted.
To support the campaign, car stickers will also be available regionally to boost visibility even further, allowing supporters to spread awareness wherever they travel and reinforce the call for action among the wider public. A tractor rally in North East Scotland will also take place on 19 December, leaving from Thainstone Mart, Inverurie at 11am.
NFU Scotland President Martin Kennedy said: “This nationwide banner campaign, backed by all four UK farming Unions, will keep the pressure up on the UK Government to review its deeply flawed taxation plans.
“Not only are the taxation proposals imposing untold pressure on family farm businesses, but they completely miss the intended target of large-scale investors using land as a tax haven.
“The volume of evidence disputing the information that Treasury is using to justify its proposals is increasingly compelling and we will continue to build the case.
“With public and political pressure, we must see this changed or our ability to continue to produce food to the standard we are proud of and continue to be the custodians of our landscape will be significantly compromised.
“The Big Banner Day is a powerful visual reminder to the government that our fight to protect family farms and crofts is just getting started. That message will be further hammered home by those taking part in tomorrow’s tractor rally organised by NFU Scotland’s North East Region and we thank and congratulate all those taking part for their support for #StopTheFamilyFarmTax and in calling for these taxation plans to be scrapped.”
Contact Bob Carruth on 0131 472 4006